

2023-03-22   阅读:417   来源:高频彩联盟

  得益于来自世界各地,来自各行各业庞大的玩家,网上赌博在20世纪90年代中期推出并开始流行。 SAHMs从中大大受益,它为玩家们创造在家里玩赌博游戏的环境,特别是留在家照顾孩子的妈妈。在有孩子之前,妇女们是相对自由的,她们可以步行到最近的现实赌场开心地玩老虎机或二十一点等赌博游戏。但生完孩子后,她们必须花费宝贵的一年时间,在家中照顾她们的孩子,这些妇女就暂时失去了她们的行动自由,此外,她们还要花上一些的时间来打理家务,于是她们没有时间顾及赌博娱乐游戏了。

  网上赌场的流行改变了妇女的这一切。她们可以在自己舒适的家享受真正的赌博真钱游戏,还不耽误给孩子换尿布的时间。 SAHM有大量在线赌博游戏可供他们选择,我们会为她们介绍一些较受欢迎的:


  在线宾果游戏对女性玩家具有较大的吸引力。这就解释了为什么大多数妇女经常光顾网上宾果游戏网站。 SAHM是喜欢宾果游戏网站的妇女们的一个很好的选择,在那里她们可以感受到宾果游戏的乐趣,而且无需离开自己的屋子。SAHM的聊天室,为这些妈妈提供了一个良好的交流平台,她们甚至可以在这个交际平台谈论关于孩子尿布的问题。此外,进入SAHM赌博游戏网站只需要较低的成本,在家庭上娱乐预算是非常合理的。






  Online Gambling and SAHMs

  Players from all over the world, and from all walks of life, benefited hugely when online gambling was introduced in the mid 1990s.  One segment of the population in particular which greatly benefited from the opportunity to gamble from home was that of SAHMs or Stay at Home Moms.  Before having kids, these women had the physical freedom to walk into the closest land casino and spin the slot reels or play blackjack to their hearts’ content. But after giving birth and making the decision to spend those first precious years at home with their kids, these women suddenly found themselves slightly more restricted in terms of freedom of movement and the luxury of time.  When they did have a couple of hours free, whether it was thanks to babysitters, moms or better halves, these women used their time to run chores or catch up with friends. Somehow gambling took a back seat.

  Fast forward to the introduction of online gambling, and suddenly everything changed for these women. For the first time in their lives, they could enjoy real gambling for real money from the comfort of their own homes, in between diaper changing, morning naps and yet another load of washing.  SAHM’s have plenty of options available to them, and we took a look at some of the more popular ones:

  Online bingo

  Bingo has always been more attractive to women than men, which explains why most online bingosites are frequented by women. SAHM’s, especially, love the social vibes of these sites, where they can feel part of a community, without the need to leave their homes. Buzzing chat rooms take the edge off the cabin fever sometimes felt by these moms, while the lower cost of tickets make it the perfect choice for households-on-a-tight-budget.

  Online Slots

  Slot games are a great choice for SAMH’s because they are quick to play, easy to learn and could result in super payouts. Choose from a fantastic range of themes and bonus features to make those moments count.

  Online Keno

  Lottery type keno games are an excellent choice for SAMHs as they are fast to play, require no skill and can be enjoyed at any time of the day or night.

标签: 高频彩联盟