

2023-03-27   阅读:273   来源:高频彩联盟

  尽管宾果游戏在二十世纪早期已经出现,但是,直至1530年,宾果游戏才在美国的舒展根流行。那个时候,一家国营彩票公司在意大利开始运营“罗Gioco DEL乐透,意大利”游戏。(有趣的是,一直到今天,我们仍然可以在每个星期六玩乐透游戏)。18世纪末期,在法国也开始流行乐透游戏。这一个游戏版本使用的扑克牌是9列三行,每行有四个自由空间。


  我们在今天得以了解宾果游戏,这得益于Edwin S.罗威,他是一个来自于美国的推销员,将这种游戏的相关设备进行推广。罗威觉察到“Beano”会在佐治亚州亚特兰大市举行狂欢游戏。此次比赛被称为Beano,是因为玩家都使用干豆来记录他们卡上的数字。当玩家完成了数字线,他或她将停止游戏,并且喊道“Beano!”,这些赢得的玩家将会获得一些小奖品。






        The History of BingoWhile bingo became popular in the United States early in the twentieth century, the roots of the game stretch back to the year 1530. That's when a state-run lottery called "Lo Gioco del Lotto d'Italia" started in Italy. (Interestingly, even to this day you can still play that lotto every Saturday.) The French picked up lotto in the late 1700s. One version used a playing card with nine columns and three rows, with four free spaces per row.

  The caller reached into a bag and picked out wooden chips marked 1 through 90 (1 to 10 for the first column, 11 to 20 for the second, and so forth)。 The first player to cover one whole row was the winner. These lottery-type bingo games soon became a craze throughout Europe.

  Bingo as we know it today was popularized by Edwin S. Lowe, a struggling but enterprising toy salesman from New York. Lowe observed a game called "Beano" at a country carnival in Atlanta, Georgia. The game was called Beano because players used dried beans to mark their cards as the numbers came up. When a player completed a line of numbers, he or she would stop the game by yelling "Beano!," and that player would win a small prize.

  Lowe saw that players were captivated by the game. Lowe himself was so spellbound by this new game that he brought it back home and introduced it to his friends. During one game, a lady got so excited by her win that she blurted out "Bingo!" instead of the accepted cry.

  And just like that, bingo was born. "Lowe's Bingo" became a sweeping success, and by the mid-1930s, bingo games were popping up all over the country, in part because churches and social clubs quickly realized the fund-raising potential.

  Today, 48 states (and more than 100 Native American reservations) offer legal bingo on some scale. Games range from small enough to fit in a church basement to big enough to pack a 1,800-seat hall. In this article, we'll discuss the basic equipment and rules used in bingo, and give you tips on how to improve your strategy. If you are looking for more places with new players, we'll show you where to look. If you aren't sure who your challengers will be or what kind of prizes can be at stake, check the overview below.

  Bingo players come from all walks of life. There is no stereotypical bingo player. Most like to socialize, which is why they go to bingo, and they may also enjoy other competitive group activities, such as bowling, that combine fun and friends. Most regular players are over the age of 45, surveys show, but bingo is being discovered by young people every day as a new way to socialize. And both men and women enjoy playing the game, whether by themselves or with a spouse or friend. The bottom line? Bingo is fun for everyone.

标签: 高频彩联盟