

2023-04-03   阅读:563   来源:高频彩联盟

  赌博本来只是一种碰运气的投机行为——在小概率事件中占便宜,这是人之常情。而为赌博立法,则意味着为这种占便宜的惯常行为注入确定性,将合理的变为合法的,将小概率变为大概率, 因此,立法本身就处于悖论之中。换句话来说,赌博立法为赌博设定了门槛,将原本的群众演员隔在了围墙之外,于是,看的多,玩得少,掌权者便只好自导自演了一场“合法”的危机,在赚得盆满钵圆之后,留下破落的场子和飞扬的丑闻,而那些非道德的“合法”演员也不得不独自承受自己赚来的“道德”报偿……其实,赌博与博弈就差了法律这一层窗户纸,而赚钱与不赚钱也恰在那一层窗户纸上。当政府不得不将经济发展的目光转向“投机”领域时,衰退似乎也就在转眼之间了。


  重新选举获胜后,政府官员Patrick声称,他并不打算为赌博再立新规以拓展市场外延。而白宫发言人Robert DeLeo也指出,治理赌博问题已不再是他的施政重点了,尽管在一年之前,他曾经主张狠抓赌博,并对其进行独立立法。而当地议会主席Therese Murray则已经将工作重点放在如何利用经济起飞的大好机遇上面了,但是,这还没有得到Patrick和DeLeo的支持。由此可见,赌博将不会作为议会未来的工作重点了。

  去年夏天,Patrick DeLeo Murray在赌博立法方面就没有达成一致--拟对三家拉斯维加斯型赌场和两条危险重重的国家赛道进行立法处理。他们的最大分歧主要集中在立法可能形成的种族区隔,而立法形成的“透明”赌城也有可能引发国际争端。因此,赌场立法失败意味着Patrick施政纲领的彻底失败。而当赌博荣登大雅之堂并受到人们的顶礼膜拜时,Patrick向全球声称,将赌博作为施政符号的做法已经不再灵光了,赌博再不能(给政府)产生更多回报了。





  THE ODDS of getting things done on Beacon Hill may be improved when the Legislature gets back to business: Gambling the issue that exposed more legislative dysfunction and gubernatorial frustration than any other over the past four years appears off the table for now — which is where it should remain at least until all the principals can agree on a pared-down bill to license no more than three resort-style casinos.

  After winning reelection Governor Patrick said that he is not inclined to make another push to expand gambling. House Speaker Robert DeLeo who last year led the gambling charge with single-minded intensity also said it is no longer at the top of his to-do list. Senate President Therese Murray has yet to tip her hand on priorities for the upcoming session but without support from Patrick and DeLeo a gambling agenda in the Senate would not get far.

  Last summer Patrick DeLeo and Murray failed to reach agreement on a bill that would have legalized three Las Vegas-style casinos and a pair of slot parlors at the state’s race tracks. Those “racinos’’ were the main source of disagreement and the bruising battle of wills among Beacon Hill leaders came up snake eyes. The failure meant that the beginning and end of Patrick’s first term were tainted by unsuccessful efforts to legalize casinos. What he learned from it Patrick told the Globe is that “all the air goes out’’ of Beacon Hill and “nothing else happens’’ when gambling fever breaks out under the Golden Dome.

  The contours of the casino debate have changed significantly since Patrick first offered a casino plan three years ago. Gambling meccas like Atlantic City or Las Vegas have faced significant economic stress. Even the lucrative casinos in nearby Connecticut have also struggled during the recession.

  In theory licensing as many as three casinos to compete with those in Connecticut should be achievable and even broadly acceptable. But with gambling comes complications including political pressure to tweak the legislation to benefit one site or another one town or another or one developer or another. Beacon Hill has proved itself incapable of handling these pressures. After buckling down on other issues perhaps the governor and the Legislature can muster the good will agree on a pared-down bill.

  But with a projected $2 billion budget deficit state leaders need to forget about jackpot fantasies at least for the moment. They rolled the dice on gambling — twice. Now it’s time to face reality.

标签: 高频彩联盟