

2023-04-03   阅读:602   来源:高频彩联盟

  英国国家彩票欧洲百万彩的最新头奖得主已经产生,他们是Joan Caswell和Brian Caswell夫妇。

  这对来自Bolton 已退休的夫妇现在是相当的富有,并声称不会让2500万英镑(约合人民币 2亿7500万元)的巨奖改变自己的生活方式,但是他们还是会购买一辆奢华的轿车并在巴西享受一个奢侈的假期。

  这对夫妇是六合彩一连串中将者中最近的一个,英国六合彩自1994年发行以来,已付给中奖者的彩金高达320亿英镑 (约合3500亿人民币)。






  我们不应该忘记John McGuinness的事迹,他将1千万英镑(约合1亿1千万万人民币)彩金的大部分投资给一个初出茅庐的足球队,现在,他正面临破产。


  The latest winners of the UK National Lottery Euromillions jackpot are Joan and Brian Caswell.

  The retired and now very wealthy couple from Bolton claim they won’t let the ?25 million (around 275 million yuan) win change them. However, they have said they will be buying a flash car and taking an extravagant holiday to Rio.

  The Caswells are the latest in a long line of UK lottery winners. Over ?32 billion (around 350 billion yuan) has been paid out to winners since the first UK national lottery draw in 1994.

  With such huge sums of money at stake it is perhaps no surprise that something like 70 percent of UK adults play the lottery on a regular basis. They can even choose to play daily as the company which runs the UK National Lottery, Camelot, operates multiple games.

  Of course, there is a more serious side to the lottery. The UK government collects around 12 percent tax on lottery revenues and ensures a further slice of the money goes to good causes. These include projects in health, education, the environment, the arts, sport and national heritage.

  With all these positive applications for lottery revenue, it might be hard to imagine a downside to the lottery. But there are some very vocal opponents to the national game. Some feel that any form of gambling is wrong whilst others choose to criticise the way the lottery revenue is spent.

  Another area of concern is over the level of support and advice given to new lottery winners. Just how are people meant to manage the huge sums of money that the lottery jackpots now offer?

  Well, with over 2,100 newly-created millionaires, some manage better than others. For every story of successful investment and charitable giving there is a more sensational story of frivolous spending.

  We shouldn’t forget the story of John McGuinness, who invested a large part of his ?10 million (around 110 million yuan) win in a fledgling football team and who is now facing bankruptcy and financial ruin.

标签: 高频彩联盟