

2023-04-06   阅读:589   来源:高频彩联盟

  据美国家庭医生学会调查,大约5-15万美国人患有严重的赌瘾,从而生活受到很大的影响。这是一个跨越社会界限的问题,并越来越多地涉及青少年。赌徒的合作伙伴和家庭也因此深受其害。赌瘾不同于其他瘾,赌博并不总是有明显的迹象。特别是在早期阶段,隐秘性是可以玩这一游戏的重要组成部分。百家乐 严厉的爱是基于很多有利行为的前提下对各种瘾君子实行的一种方法。这可以从说谎成瘾的人来说,你给他或她一些钱,他就可以否认有这样一个问题。有些人认为,这种对他人的行为来说实际上也是问题的一部分。






  According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, from 5-15 million Americans suffer from the the effects of serious gambling. This is a problem that crosses social boundaries and increasingly involves young people. The partners and families of gamblers also suffer. Unlike other addictions, gambling does not always have visible signs, and secrecy can play a big part in this behavior, particularly in the early stages. Tough love is based on the premise that much enabling behavior goes on around the addict. This can range from lying for the addict, to giving him or her money, to denying that there is a problem. Some people believe that this behavior on the part of others is actually part of the problem.


  Observe the behavior of your loved one, watching for typical signs, such as secrecy or problems with finances, mood swings, or a withdrawal from family life. Take note of the amount of time a teen, in particular, spends on his computer, and consider disabling the gambling sites. Be open about doing this.


  Separate your finances from those of the person with the addiction. This is particularly important if bills have to be paid. Gambling is an addiction that can result in a person losing his house, car(s), job and relationships. Do not lend money to the gambler. Do not lie or cover up for him. Refuse to collude in his behavior, particularly covering up for him before others.


  Urge the person with the problem to contact Gamblers Anonymous or the National Council on Problem Gambling, at 800-522-47000. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is often used to "rewire" the gambler's thought processes. Gamblers often feel very low because of their behavior. This may make you reluctant to show a tough-love approach. It is crucial to ask for professional help for yourself, and also for the gambler to get appropriate help to deal with the complex and painful emotions that surround this issue.


  Take care of yourself and other members of the family. Tough love involves taking a step back from the behavior of the person with the addiction. While trying to ensure that the person with the addiction does not control the family finances, do not micro-manage every aspect of his financial behavior

标签: 高频彩联盟