

2022-09-09   阅读:299   来源:高频彩联盟

















  Six state lotteries have introduced video lottery machines that are closer in spirit to casino slot machines than traditional lottery games. Not coincidentally, these states typically rake in more profits. Critics call them “video crack.”

  Critics also claim that too much of the lottery's take goes back out as prizes-about 53 percent nationwide in 2007. But some of the states that pay out the best prizes also raise the most money. Massachusetts pays out about 72 percent of its $4.7 billion in ticket sales but still earns $913 million in profits, among the highest of any state.

  Opposition to the games has allied some religious groups (who oppose gambling on principle) with antipoverty advocates (who say lotteries take advantage of less educated, lower-income players, who are among the most faithful customers).

  Forward Thinking

  More and bigger games—With tax revenues plummeting in the recession, look for some states to try to hike their lottery income or to channel more of it into the general fund to offset shortfalls. Seventeen states currently devote all lottery funds to education; at least 17 others funnel all or part of their lottery money into the general fund.

  Privately run state lotteries—Legislators in several states—including Texas and Illinois—have introduced bills to "lease" to private companies the right to run the lottery. A lease of 30 years or more would likely raise as much as $10 billion for bigger states. Opponents worry that private operators will introduce more addictive games. And it's not even clear such a gambit would be legal: In October, the U.S. Justice Department warned that private leasing deals under consideration in Indiana and New Jersey would likely violate federal laws.

  A world lottery—Players in many parts of the world can already buy lottery tickets online. One possibility: a game available simultaneously in many countries. That's the goal of Chuck Strutt, the longtime director of the multistate Powerball game, who hopes to roll out a global game by 2011.

  The Back-and-Forth

  "Many people [have] terrible ideas about the odds. Our brains are just not wired to understand the difference between 500,000 to 1 and 50 million to 1."

  --Keith Whyte, executive director, National Council on Problem Gambling

  "People who play regularly know whether they win regularly. If you buy a $5 ticket once a week and haven't won for three months, you're going to drop the habit."

  --Mark Cavanaugh, executive director, Massachusetts Lottery

  "Lotteries are being billed as a way to get wealth without saving and investing. It creates compulsive gamblers."

  --Bill Brooks, president, North Carolina Family Policy Council

  "We don't want to see anybody overspend their means. We have a 'play responsibly' campaign that says 'You only need one ticket to win.'"

  --Bobby Heith, spokesman, Texas Lottery

标签: 高频彩联盟