

2023-03-14   阅读:419   来源:高频彩联盟

  很多的扑克玩家,甚至获奖玩家 - - 很容易通过他们的在线bankrolls迅速燃烧他们的钱钞。













  Lots of poker players - even winning players - are prone to burning through their online bankrolls quickly.

  And even the best players can ruin weeks or months of successful grinding in one or two bad sessions.

  Not surprisingly, players who lose money playing live poker (about 90% of the live-poker world) also claim they're simply unable to keep a balance online. Strange.

  What is surprising though is the number of truly winning players who have the exact same problem.

  If a player is a consistent winner in live poker, it stands to reason that his or her game is profitable and should be similarly profitable in online poker.

  Unfortunately, being successful in online poker requires significantly more discipline and control than live poker.

  Players are stronger, play is quicker and you don't have anyone to see when you go off the deep end.

  If you're a good poker player, and you know you're capable of making money online yet can't seem to keep a roll, this article might be just what you're looking for.

  Start with the most important concept first: you absolutely must play within your bankrroll if you want to make money online.

  The simplest way to explain it is to look at the mathematical theorem Gambler's Ruin.

  One of the concepts of Gambler's Ruin is this: take two players and pit them against each other in a zero-sum game (such as flipping a coin, where each player has an expected win/loss rate of exactly 0%)。

  One player has a finite bankroll. The other has an infinite bankroll. Given infinite repetitions of the game, the player with the finite roll will eventually go broke.

  In the online poker world, it's you against everyone else. This means it's your roll against the infinite roll of the rest of the world. If poker was a zero-sum game, you'd go broke.

  Luckily, if you're a winning player, you can expect a positive return on your investment.  But you need to have enough money in your roll to make the swings and variance irrelevant.

标签: 高频彩联盟