

2023-04-03   阅读:560   来源:高频彩联盟





    理论上来说,你可以记下桌上所有被出过的牌(也有可能是四副,取决于赌场的设置)从而得到一些帮助。桌上剩下的10点,人头牌(应该是J,Q,K),A越多,你赢的概率就越大。一位统计学赌博专家Robert Hannum,通过这种方法得到了1%的利润,这意味着你每赌100美元,你可以获得1美元的回馈。是的,当赌场发现你赢了太多之后,除了把你踢出去之外啥都不能做。但是总的来说他们还是喜欢这样的,因为已有太多了人想通过记牌来玩并失败了。








  玩一次老虎机应该输掉多少钱,称之为“保留”,而这是由州政府规定的。但是赌场有权利让它吐的更多。研究院David Schwarts透露,目前康乃迪克州比内华达州的赢取概率要好,相比康乃迪克州8.4%的“保留”,拉斯维加斯只有“6.1%”。Schwartz:“拉斯维加斯的老虎机太多了,他们必须 把'保留'降低来吸引顾客”。

  对很多人来说,赢钱并不是唯一的目的。事实上,这只仅仅是一种奖励。“主要的方面是乐趣,激动的心情和社交,甚至是这的剧院,”哈里娱乐副总裁Katrina Lane说。那甚至有两个竞争的比赛。这给我们剩下的人带来乐趣--这也是我们在赌场人流量较大的地方放置更多的桌面游戏,而不是老虎机的原因。哈里公司的可视化软件同时也帮助他们找出放置最受欢迎的老虎机的位置,来帮助利益最大化。



  Gambling TipsThe odds are you won't make money gambling but there are at least four common betting games at which is it conceivable to reliably make money. Three of them are found in most casinos and the fourth is found throughout life. Most people with a grasp of simple odds do not expect to make a fortune gambling though--it is just a lot more fun if you know the odds on your game.

  PokerThe way to win at gambling is know the odds bet big when they edge in your favor and try not to lose much in between. With poker it is not just about the cards but "pot odds"--the cards plus how much you can win and what you have already bet. Play lots since luck is a short-term variation and skill is won over time. Poker has the added advantage of psychology and other players who may not want to work so hard to learn.

  BlackjackTheoretically you can memorize every card played in a deck (or six decks depending on how the casino sets things up) and get a small edge on the house. The more 10s face cards and aces left in the deck the better your odds. Robert Hannum a statistician specializing in gambling puts the edge at 1% meaning you can make $1 for every $100 you bet. Yes casinos can do little about it other than kicking you out if they catch you winning too much. They probably like it overall though given the likely number of people who try card-counting and fail.

  SportsAnother case of "winning at betting a job you have to love." Over time the right combination of horses can show up or the points against a team are wrong and no one else notices. As with poker blackjack--and for that matter stocks--be wary of outsized jackpots as almost all real mathematical advantages are slight. The advent of in-game bets (the outcome of a quarter a half or even a couple of plays) make the overall math more complex.

  What Not to PlayKnowing the odds particularly the overall house edge helps you calculate how long your money will last. It can also make you scratch your head wondering why anyone would risk a buck. The American Gaming Association puts the house edge in blackjack at 0.5% to 1.5% meaning you lose 50 cents to $1.50 on every $100 you wager. That can last a long time. Keno on the other hand has a house edge of up to 30% so you give up $30 on the $100.

  State LotteriesForty-one states plus the District of Columbia have lotteries. They may be the only form of gambling that makes Keno look like a good bet. In 2006 only Massachusetts paid out better than Keno's 30% house take (it was 28.1%)。 The 10th-best state Texas kept 40%. By comparison the traditional organized crime game called The Numbers had odds of 1 000:1 and paid off between 600:1 and 800:1. Of course there were no taxes so that is a bigger net gain. "Compares badly to the mob" is not an endorsement.

  SlotsTechnology has had more of an effect on slot machines than any other game. The advent of computer chips instead of mechanical wheels meant the owners could offer much more complex games involving diagonal wins betting variations and bonus rounds. The regulated odds however do not change and like any machine-based game will always favor the house. Video poker games tend to pay out better though as do larger-denomination slot machines. The house edge can be anywhere from 0.5% to 12%.

  Location Location LocationHow much a slot machine must pay out called the "hold " is set by the state. Casinos are often free however to pay out better. Researcher David Schwartz says that while Connecticut currently has better odds than Nevada: The Las Vegas machines have a hold of 6.1% compared with 8.4% on a Connecticut Indian casino. Says Schwartz: "There are so many more slots in Las Vegas they have to come down to attract people."Mapping the FloorFor most people going to casinos winning isn't everything. In fact it may not be anything more than a nice bonus. "The two main aspects are fun and excitement and socialization even the theater of it " says Katrina Lane vice president of Harrah's. There is even competition when two players are up against each other. That is fun for the rest of us to watch--which is why casinos put table games and not too many slots near places with lots of foot traffic. Harrah's visualization software also figures out where to put the favorite slots to maximize their action.

  Coin FlipThere probably is no casino in the word that runs a coin flip table and with good reason: It is one form of gambling where you can get good odds. Research has determined that a coin will more often land showing the side when it is flipped (for the same reason that if you count up from one you will never have more even numbers than odd.) Coins spun tend to show "tails" even more frequently since the "heads" side is heavier.

  SecurityIt's not that casinos do not want you to win. They just do not want you to violate any laws--particularly laws of mathematics. That is why they invest so much in cameras networks and software to crunch the odds look for unwelcome faces and unusual situations. That and calculating ways to reward big spenders with free stuff is where the real advanced math takes place in a casino.

标签: 高频彩联盟