

2023-04-06   阅读:567   来源:高频彩联盟














  正如我们在开头所说,帮助有赌博问题的人最难做到的事情之一,他们很可能否认他们有任何问题,即使身边的人表现得很明显。“这对我来说没有问题,我可以在任何时间退出。” “这不是什么大不了的事,我可以弥补我的债务。” “当我手气旺的时候,我甚至赢回超过了我已经失去的。” “我所有的朋友做大学生足球赌注,只是为了好玩。”









  Problem & Compulsive Gambling

  One of the biggest problems related to gambling and other compulsive and addictive behaviors is that the person with the problem tends to be the last one to see it. You probably picked up this brochure because you wondered either about your own gambling or the gambling habits of someone you care about. We're glad you had the courage to do so, and we hope the following information will increase your understanding of this problem area.

  What is Gambling?

  Risking money or valuables in hopes of winning more than you're risking is gambling. Calling it a "friendly bet," or a "gentleman's bet," or saying "We're just making the game a little more interesting" does not alter the fact that it is still gambling.

  Gambling can include buying instant lottery tickets, playing the on-line or video lottery games, playing cards, dice, or dominoes, playing in casinos, playing slot machines, betting on sporting events (with or without a bookie), betting on the horses or greyhounds, betting on games of skill (bowling, pool, golf, video or arcade games), and many other activities.

  But Doesn't Everybody Gamble?

  Most all of us have sat around and fantasized about what we would do if we won the lottery or hit it big in Las Vegas. But for most of us, these fantasies remain fantasies. Perhaps we buy an occasional lottery ticket, but that's about it. And some people can gamble occasionally without it affecting their lives seriously.

  But many can't. Time magazine estimates that there are nearly eight million compulsive gamblers in America, one million of whom are teenagers. An Illinois criminal justice professor found eight times as many gambling addicts among college students as among adults. Closer to home, a study by the Texas Council on Problem and Compulsive Gambling found that teenagers and young adults are at much greater risk for developing serious gambling problems than are adults.

  In the central area of Texas (including Austin), the average gambler was more likely to be a White male (although females and minorities are definitely included), younger, never married, relatively well educated, but with an income on the low side.

  More so than gamblers from other regions, the gambler from Central Texas said he liked gambling on games of skill, video lotteries, sporting events, high-risk investments, and card games. He said he gambled out of curiosity or for the challenge, he was more likely to have used alcohol or drugs, and he reports a higher number of substance problems. These problem gamblers also had significantly lower academic grades, and they were more likely to skip school.

标签: 高频彩联盟